
All around geeky post…

June 16, 2014

I am sorry for my absence, but I have been geeking out the last week. In case you are not a gamer, or if you are and were unaware, which I highly doubt, but E3 was last week. I have spent a good deal of time watching game trailers. There are so many awesome games coming out. But the one I have been waiting for comes out in October… Dragon Age: Inquisition. Oh how I love the Dragon Age games. Another that I am excited about that has yet to list a release date… The Division. That game looks amazing.

Aside from games, I spent a mini vacation with my mother and daughter. My mom treated us to a day at the movies. I love those days. We saw Maleficent and the new X-Men in the same day. Both were excellent by the way.

I have been watching indie movies while at home and two that I highly recommend are this– The Story of Luke and The Broken Circle Breakdown. Holy crap, those were good.

Now onto other things… I have been writing. 🙂

I have spent several days writing random scenes here and there. I couldn’t get any focus on just one story. I have danced around with ideas for Blake, Maggie, Toby, and Gabe.  But Blake has won on that front. I have his story developing. But what has taken a surer hold is finishing my dystopian story. That one woke me up in the middle of the night and an awesome opening scene has begun. I am so excited about this story.

That being said, I need to get back to writing. 🙂